More than 175 million Americans currently receive health coverage through their employers, due in large part to the tax exclusion for businesses that contribute to the cost of employee health insurance. Eliminating this exclusion would eliminate the incentive for employer-sponsored health insurance and could prompt some employers to drop coverage, reducing access to health insurance and driving up costs for middle-class Americans.
Eliminating the employer tax exclusion would also eliminate most of the benefits of employer-sponsored insurance, including the means for spreading risk among healthy and unhealthy individuals and group purchasing efficiencies. Capping the exclusion would devalue the employee benefit and result in a significant tax increase for many Americans, forcing them to discontinue their insurance, including dependent coverage.
Word & Brown joins with NAHU in encouraging you to contact your members of Congress to voice your opposition to proposed legislation. You can link to the NAHU Operation Shout website here to send a message. Or you can contact Sens. Box, Feinstein, Heller, and Reid by calling the numbers below.
California Senators Nevada Senators
Sen. Barbara Boxer: (202) 224-3553 Sen. Dean Heller: (202) 224-6244
Sen. Diane Feinstein: (202) 224-3841 Sen. Harry Reid: (202) 224-3542
To find your House of Representatives member info, link here for a directory, or call the House of Representatives switchboard at (202) 225-3121.
Take action today and tell your federal legislators to keep the employer exclusion tax benefit.