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Health Insurance Forms Your Clients Need to Complete or Submit

  Many forms are required as part of the quoting, underwriting, and enrollment process for Group Health Insurance. Some can be completed electronically. Others have to “signed” and returned to...

How to Become a Life and Health Insurance Agent

  If you’re considering a new career, or you’re a recent college graduate looking to start your professional life, one field you might consider is Life Insurance and Health Insurance...

Health Insurance Plan Types: An Overview for New Brokers

As a new insurance broker, you need to be able to discuss the differences in available health insurance plans, so you can better address the needs of your diverse clients....

Changing Careers? Consider Health Insurance Sales

  If you’re working in a dead-end job – or working somewhere and feeling undervalued and unappreciated – it may be time to consider a change. Health insurance sales may...

8 Qualities That Make for a Good Insurance Agent

  Here are eight key qualities that most successful insurance agents in 2024 possess. If you have all (or most) of these traits, you’re more likely to thrive in the...

P+C Brokers Can Get a Health Insurance License and Expand Their Sales Opportunities and Income

P+C Brokers Can Get a Health Insurance License and Expand...

The insurance marketplace can be challenging – especially for brokers and agents in the property and casualty (P+C) market. Insurance professionals and their customers are facing increasing prices, non-renewals, market...
