Sales & Marketing Tips

How to Become a Life and Health Insurance Agent

  If you’re considering a new career, or you’re a recent college graduate looking to start your professional life, one field you might consider is Life Insurance and Health Insurance...

8 Qualities That Make for a Good Insurance Agent

  Here are eight key qualities that most successful insurance agents in 2024 possess. If you have all (or most) of these traits, you’re more likely to thrive in the...

Using a Broker to Buy Group or Individual Health Insurance

Why It’s Better to Use a Broker to Purchase Health...

If your clients ask you why they should engage an insurance broker when they are shopping for health insurance, do you have an answer? It’s a frequently searched question on...

Why should I use a broker - Health Insurance

Popular Client Question: Why Should I Use a Broker?

Regardless of your experience as a broker, you will undoubtedly encounter the question, “Why should I use a broker?” from prospects, clients, or even friends. What is your response? Here...

14 Tips for New and Inexperienced Insurance Agents

Starting a career as a health insurance agent can be intimidating. You’re stepping into a competitive field with numerous seasoned professionals. Don’t worry! Whether you’re new to the industry or...

Requirements Before Health Insurance License Exam in California and Nevada

  Requirements Before Health Insurance License Exam in California and Nevada Starting a career as a health insurance broker can be incredibly rewarding, but it all begins with passing your...
