Month: February 2024

How To Set Sales KPI's and why they matter (KPIs):

How to Set Sales KPIs – and Why They Matter

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are quantifiable measures of performance over a specified period for targeted objectives. Your KPIs provide targets for you, your team, and your organization to strive for...

3 Tips to Creating a Tag Line for Your Agency

3 Tips to Creating a Tag Line for Your Agency

Do you have a tag line for your agency? Do your competitors? If you’re a Word & Brown partner, you know we have one. It’s “Service of Unequalled Excellence.” It...

CRM for Insurance sales

CRM for Health Insurance Agents: Maximizing Efficiency and Client Satisfaction

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems are essential tools for businesses across various industries, including health insurance. At their core, CRMs are technologies designed to manage all of your company’s relationships...

Insurance Sales

Why Word & Brown? 5 Ways W&B Makes Insurance Selling...

Navigating the world of selling insurance can feel like a maze, right? We totally get it. That’s where Word & Brown comes in. We’re more than just a business –...

Answering 7 Frequently Asked Health Insurance Questions

  As a Health Insurance broker, you are bound to get many questions from your individual clients as well as employers and their employees who may turn to you for...

Opening a True Dialogue with Your Clients

  When shopping for health insurance for their employees, a lot of business owners tend to lean toward the cheapest option, thinking it is also their best option. Of course,...
