Month: January 2024

SMART goals

Measuring Sales Success: The Importance of Specificity When It Comes...

As a follow up to the article shared last month, I wanted to spotlight specificity as it relates to goal setting – whether for this year or another. Being specific...

Pros & Cons of Being an Insurance Broker

Weighing the Pros and Cons of Being an Insurance Broker

Thinking about becoming a health insurance broker? You may have heard or read that insurance sales can be a lucrative career and can offer both rewards and challenges. In this...

Creating a catchphrase

Tips for Crafting an Effective Insurance Sales Catchphrase

Getting into the complex realm of insurance sales can sometimes feel like wandering through a maze. However, with the right strategies, you can turn this complex journey into a rewarding...

Valid Waivers

When navigating the complex landscape of health insurance, understanding what constitutes a valid waiver is crucial. Different carriers have specific criteria for what qualifies as a valid waiver, allowing individuals...

Five Tips to Help You Organize Your Work Life

  Staying organized at work can be a daily challenge for some. For others, it can be a piece of cake. Where do you fall? If you’re like most of...

5 Ways Health Insurance brokers can diversify their portfolio

New Year, New You: New Year New You!: 5 Ways...

It’s 2024! The year of the dragon in the Chinese horoscope. Did you make any resolutions for the new year? What’s on your agenda for the next 12 months? If...
