Quote and Enroll Faster: WBQuote + EaseCentral OLE

Don’t forget, WBQuote integrates with EaseCentra’s online enrollment (OLE) platform!

The API (Application Program Interface) integration decreases the steps involved in traditionally setting up an online enrollment by as much as 90%. Information from WBQuote automatically initiates and populates the EaseCentral OLE, eliminating the need for you and anyone in your office running quotes to re-enter group census and health benefit information.

You now have the ability to streamline data transfer from WBQuote and start your online enrollment with just one click from the WBQuote Dashboard.

Email the Word & Brown EaseCentral team to put the power of EaseCentral OLE to work for you.

Or contact Technical Services by phone (1-866-380-0053) or email if you want a demo or have any questions about our API integrations.

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