Your opportunity to win a $250 gift card or an Apple Watch from Nippon Life Benefits is counting down. Get your Group Medical RFPs in now – between 10/9/2018 and 11/15/2018.
RFPs must be for California groups of 100-200 eligible lives for coverage effective 11/1/2018 or 12/1/2018.
Your name will be entered to win a $250 gift card for each eligible RFP you submit. Then, if one of your RFPs becomes a closed sale for November or December, you’ll be entered into a separate drawing for an Apple Watch.
Nippon Life Benefits will announce winners after its drawings on 1/15/2019.
To learn more about the Nippon Life Benefits portfolio, visit their website.
Contact your Word & Brown representative to submit an RFP or if you have any questions.