The beginning of 2018 brings rapidly approaching deadlines for Applicable Large Employers (ALEs) to file their 2017 Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Forms 1094-C and 1095-C with the IRS, and for ALEs to distribute copies of those IRS Forms 1095-C to any person employed full time (FT) for at least one month during 2017. Health insurance carriers and state exchanges must also generate and distribute 2017 IRS Forms 1095-B and 1095-A to employees/covered individuals, beginning January 31st.
In late December 2017, the IRS announced a 30-day extension to the deadline for ALEs to distribute IRS Forms 1095-C to covered individuals/employees. The new deadline for distribution is March 2, 2018.
Depending on how they access coverage, employees/covered individuals can get multiple IRS Forms 1095 from different entities. For example, an employee who worked full time for an ALE with a fully insured plan for at least one month of 2017 will receive a 1095-C from the employer and a 1095-B from the health insurance carrier. If there are multiple people in this employee’s family, the employee and employee’s dependents will potentially receive many of these IRS forms. This can be very confusing; clients, employees, family, and friends alike will turn to you for help.
Word & Brown has created an exclusive resource to aid your discussions with employers, group clients’ employees, friends, colleagues, and family members about these IRS Forms 1095: A-B-Cs of IRS Form 1095. The reference can be used as an internal reference for you in your role as a broker. Or, it can be given directly to those inquiring about the IRS Form 1095s – asking what they are and what to do with them. This reference will certainly come in handy as we move into 2018 and begin to receive IRS Form 1095s from various entities.