Digital Marketing News: July 2017

Featured: Voice Search and SEO: Why B2B Marketers Need to Pay Attention Now

The use of voice technology and search is increasing and Search Engine Land columnist Nate Dame takes a look at how B2B decision-makers should prepare. It’s going well-beyond looking for directions to a nearby restaurant or having a recipe read to you while you’re cooking.  This article takes a look at who’s using voice search, how and why they’re using it, and where. (You’ll likely be surprised.)

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Using Data to Produce Great Content

If you are struggling to develop content for your website (or your newsletter), Russ Jones from the blog MOZ has a suggestion: data. If you’re finding it difficult to find the right words to fill up your page, numbers could be an answer. Consider developing a post or an article based on trends you’re noticing, sales data, or survey results. Your readers could find it very interesting – and you may, too.

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Email Marketing

Take Interactivity to the Next Level with Kinetic Email Design

Email is changing – and 2017 is the year of interactive emails according to Litmus, an email marketing company that helps users build, design, test, and analyze their email usage. Mobile devices – and Americans increasing use of them to access their email – requires marketers to do more to stand out on-screen. A July 2017 article from Email Monks offers a sneak peek into the world of engaging emails.

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The SEO Benefits of Developing a Solid Site Structure

When it comes to developing your website structure, there’s a lot more to consider than whether it’s flat (and requires minimal clicks to reach a page). A good structure gives SEO “crawlers” information to understand your content so they can determine how useful it could be to your web visitors. Will they know where to go? Can they find info quickly? Ryan Shelley offers some SEO guidance.

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Social Media

Facebook’s Adding Some New Ad Metrics and Page Data Options

Facebook has made some changes in their ad metrics and page data options that could be confusing. It says its new metrics include a “Landing Page Views” metric that gives advertisers info about mobile landing page viewers who click on an ad. However, the previously available click-through rate data should already tell you that. Social Media Today offers an explanation.

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How Much Can You Earn as an Insurance Broker?

Find out what you can be earning as an insurance agent in our handy, up-to-date salary guide. Produced by our in-house experts, this resource is bound to help you in advancing your career.

Word & Brown Salary Guide