An easy way to enhance your service to clients and save time – for you and them – is to make the move to Online Enrollment (OLE), a paperless process that reduces errors and increases employee satisfaction.
Absent a qualifying event, open enrollment is the only time each year when employees can review and make changes to their benefits, which are generally locked-in for the full benefits year. A successful benefits enrollment gives employers and brokers the opportunity to educate employees (and their dependents) on new coverage available as well as changes to existing plans and benefits (including copays and other out-of-pocket costs).
OLE vs Paper
In the past, benefits information was distributed in hard copy or via email or PDF, which employees would often print out. Applications for coverage were completed by hand, compiled by Human Resources and/or on-site enrollers, and submitted to the writing agent for delivery to the general agent or carrier. The process – from start to finish – could take weeks and often led to some back-and-forth trying to decipher and correct errors in the application completion or consolidation of information by the employer.
An automated or electronic open enrollment eliminates much of the dependence on paper and offers a variety of advantages for employers, employees, dependents, and brokers, including:
- Easier distribution of information: With an OLE system, all employees receive the most-up-to-date plan information all at the same time. That makes it easier for them to review their coverage options and enroll securely – and easily – online.
- Streamlined onboarding: OLE integrated with HRIS can expedite new hire processing with digital onboarding and single entry of information for benefits enrollment and other new employee paperwork and processes.
- Employee documents: Depending on the OLE and HRIS systems you and your clients select, you can ensure Affordable Care Act (ACA) information, employee handbooks, and other HR documents are distributed electronically – and your clients can get an e-sign employee acknowledgement, too.
- Compliance: An OLE and HRIS system can help your clients stay on top of changing rules and regulations, track variable hour employees, calculate the number of Full Time Equivalent (FTE) employees, and determine Applicable Large Employer (ALE) status.
Skip – or, at least, reduce – paperwork by moving your enrollments online. Paired with an HRIS system, the switch can save time and increase employee satisfaction, too. Word & Brown works with multiple OLE and HRIS platforms, including and Ease. Both offer an array of advantages to help you and your clients better manager online enrollment, payroll, human resources, and employee benefits.
Reduce Employee Stress
Health insurance can be challenging for employees. A 2019 study by Aflac found 58% of workers believe understanding what insurance or benefits they need is somewhat or very stressful, with Gen Z and Millennial stress levels even higher – at 68% and 64% respectively. Forty-three percent of employees say enrolling is somewhat or very stressful.
With help from Word & Brown and our HRIS partners, you can transform your enrollments and change things – for the better – for your clients and their employees.
Call or email your rep today to learn more about how you can speed up your cases and make your workflow more efficient. Or, if you are not already working with Word & Brown, contact one of our six regional offices in California and Nevada.