Author: Alex Strautman

Understanding Health Insurance Underwriting

Understanding Health Insurance Underwriting

Health Insurance today is a bit easier to understand thanks to the enactment of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) by the 111th Congress and President Barack Obama, who signed the...

Steps to Getting Your First Sale

  When you are first starting your career in health insurance sales, you may not be certain about where to begin. The traditional “closing pyramid” puts a lot of emphasis...

Health Insurance Forms Your Clients Need to Complete or Submit

  Many forms are required as part of the quoting, underwriting, and enrollment process for Group Health Insurance. Some can be completed electronically. Others have to “signed” and returned to...

8 Qualities That Make for a Good Insurance Agent

  Here are eight key qualities that most successful insurance agents in 2024 possess. If you have all (or most) of these traits, you’re more likely to thrive in the...

Word & Brown is Revolutionizing the Modern Broker Experience

Word & Brown is Revolutionizing the Modern Broker Experience

To be a successful broker in today’s evolving marketplace, you need to be using innovative, technology-driven tools and apps. That’s not an issue when you partner with Word & Brown....

Why should I use a broker - Health Insurance

Popular Client Question: Why Should I Use a Broker?

Regardless of your experience as a broker, you will undoubtedly encounter the question, “Why should I use a broker?” from prospects, clients, or even friends. What is your response? Here...
