Author: Alex Strautman

Client first sales

3 Tips to Developing a Client-Centric Sales Approach

There are many distinct types of sales approaches used by insurance professionals. Some work better than others. Indeed published a list in 2023 about 13 types of sales approaches to...

Maximize Your Income as a Health Insurance Broker: Essential Strategies...

Are you exploring a career transition into becoming a health insurance broker or seeking ways to excel in the employee benefits brokerage field? Understanding the potential income and the daily...

Finding your niche with insurance sales products

Finding Your Niche: Specialization vs. Generalization

If you’re just starting your career as an insurance sales professional, it’s important to decide whether you want to specialize in one specific segment of our business, or whether you...

Health Insurance Checklist

Spring Cleaning: A Seasonal Client Review Checklist

A good business practice to consider as part of your annual or semi-annual prospect and client meetings is a coverage review checklist. Whether your focus is Small Group, Large Group,...

Broker Sales Tactics

Broker Differentiation: Standing Out in a Competitive Market

Working as an insurance sales professional can be a very rewarding experience. It offers both financial rewards and a sense of fulfillment when you’re able to help others get the...

Captive and Independent Health Insurance

Understanding the Difference Between Captive and Independent Health Insurance Agents

If you are considering a new career as a health insurance sales professional, one of the early decisions you need to make (after choosing your license type) is how you...
