Author: Alex Strautman

3 Tips to Creating a Tag Line for Your Agency

3 Tips to Creating a Tag Line for Your Agency

Do you have a tag line for your agency? Do your competitors? If you’re a Word & Brown partner, you know we have one. It’s “Service of Unequalled Excellence.” It...

CRM for Insurance sales

CRM for Health Insurance Agents: Maximizing Efficiency and Client Satisfaction

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems are essential tools for businesses across various industries, including health insurance. At their core, CRMs are technologies designed to manage all of your company’s relationships...

Answering 7 Frequently Asked Health Insurance Questions

  As a Health Insurance broker, you are bound to get many questions from your individual clients as well as employers and their employees who may turn to you for...

Pros & Cons of Being an Insurance Broker

Weighing the Pros and Cons of Being an Insurance Broker

Thinking about becoming a health insurance broker? You may have heard or read that insurance sales can be a lucrative career and can offer both rewards and challenges. In this...

Creating a catchphrase

Tips for Crafting an Effective Insurance Sales Catchphrase

Getting into the complex realm of insurance sales can sometimes feel like wandering through a maze. However, with the right strategies, you can turn this complex journey into a rewarding...

5 Ways Health Insurance brokers can diversify their portfolio

New Year, New You: New Year New You!: 5 Ways...

It’s 2024! The year of the dragon in the Chinese horoscope. Did you make any resolutions for the new year? What’s on your agenda for the next 12 months? If...
