A mobile Medical ID Card available through Word & Brown means groups no longer have to wait a week – or more – to get proof of their health insurance when they’re insured through any of four of the general agent’s health insurance carrier partners.
Employers who choose health coverage from Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Shield of California, and Health Net can now offer their insured employees (and their dependents) access to their Medical ID Cards on an iPhone or Android device immediately after their coverage is approved. MedID solves the problem of what to do when employees need medical care before they receive their Medical ID Card from their health plan.
“We are excited to be able to offer brokers the ability to provide their group clients with a secure, easy way for insured employees and their loved ones to access their Medical ID Cards on their smartphones as soon as their case is approved,” said Scott Diehl, vice president of Word & Brown. “Once a group’s coverage is approved by a participating health plan, employees can simply open MedID on their smartphone and register online using their first and last name, home ZIP Code, and date of birth.”
“We were glad to have four of our health plan partners join the initial launch of our digital health card, MedID, several months ago,” said Marc McGinnis, vice president of national sales. “We look forward to adding more carriers this year, because MedID is a significant step forward for brokers, employers, and health plan members. It offers employees and dependents faster access to their Medical ID Cards. It should cut down on the number of calls and emails employers have to respond to concerning employees’ proof of insurance after their coverage first begins.”
Insured employees and family members can use MedID to add their dental, vision, or other insurance identification card information, too. It’s super easy and much more convenient than carrying around a lot of separate cards in their wallet, purse, or pockets. It also meets the requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), so all employee and dependent health information is safe and secure.
MedID is an exclusive offering of Word & Brown, and it is available only to brokers and their insured groups with health coverage through the general agency. Employers who want to offer MedID to their employees are encouraged to talk with their group health insurance representative. Brokers not already doing business with Word & Brown who want to offer MedID should contact one of the five regional Word & Brown offices in California or go online to brokerblog.wordandbrown.com.