Oscar Webinar

If you don’t already know, your Los Angeles County and Orange County group clients have a new Health Insurance option: Oscar.

Listen to the webinar now to listen to Michael Lujan, California Market Director for Oscar Health, discuss Oscar’s Small Group portfolio and underwriting guidelines.

You’re sure to gain a solid understanding of how Oscar is different – and how it can benefit your clients:

  • Oscar offers 21 Small Group plans that range across all ACA Metal Tiers with copay-based and coinsurance-based benefits, including three HSA-eligible plans.
  • Plans are all EPO products, which means members have full access to Oscar’s network of top-quality providers (including UCLA Health, USC Keck, Providence St. Joseph Health (featuring Hoag), and others).
  • No referrals needed to see in-network specialists, ever.
  • Extremely cost-competitive plans – comparable to HMOs and 20% less expensive than most PPO plans.

Click below to watch today.

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