Uncover employer ACA compliance responsibilities as related to the ACA’s Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBCs) and the corresponding ACA Uniform Glossary of health insurance terms. Learn the intent of...
Hear all about ERISA guidelines and requirements for notifying plan beneficiaries of changes contained in their ERISA Summary Plan Description documents (SPDs) and ERISA Wraps – on ERISA Summary of...
Learn about the most-common method employers use to create, maintain, and distribute all ERISA plan information to employees: an ERISA wrap.
ERISA Summary Plan Descriptions (SPDs) – Learn the intent and the requirements of the ERISA Summary Plan Description: An abridged version of the ERISA plan document, written in a language...
ERISA Plan Documents – Learn about the basics of the ERISA plan document: One of the most essential employer notification requirements, applicable to nearly every employer of any size sponsoring...