Word & Brown has been awarded a new Large Group General Agency contract by Kaiser Permanente for Fresno and San Diego.
“This agreement is very exciting for us. We look forward to working with our current brokers and new brokers who are interested in offering Kaiser Permanente to their Large Group clients in these two areas of the state,” said Word & Brown President Jessica Word.
The new contract means brokers based in Fresno and San Diego will no longer have to co-broker Large Group Kaiser Permanente business. They can now write Kaiser Permanente coverage for both Small Groups and Large Groups through Word & Brown.
Contact your Word & Brown representative to get started – or visit brokerblog.wordandbrown.com/large-group to learn how we can help you conquer the Large Group market!
Note: Word & Brown is a Small Group General Agency for Kaiser Permanente throughout California. Only brokers based in Fresno and San Diego can write Kaiser Permanente Large Group business through Word & Brown.