Tips for Crafting a Memorable Slogan for Your Insurance Agency

Whether you are just getting started in the insurance business or you have been at it for years, you can enhance your agency’s marketing efforts with a solid promotional slogan or tagline.

Tips for Creating Your Insurance Agency Slogan

To get started, consider the following:

  • Will you be working on your own, or as part of a larger agency? If the latter, you may not need your own slogan if your parent agency has one. If you are part of a regional or national brand, you may be required to embrace the tagline used by your affiliate organization. For example, if you represent UnitedHealthcare, you may be required to use only corporate-approved materials in your promotional efforts. Alternatively, if you’re an independent broker, and you represent multiple insurers, it may benefit you to craft a slogan or tagline that helps define what you and your agency do and what distinguishes your organization from others. For example, you are probably familiar with the Word & Brown General Agency tagline: Service of Unequalled Excellence. It readily conveys to prospects and customers (brokers, business partners, and others) our longstanding commitment to service – and it’s worked well for us for decades.
  • What sets you apart from your competitors? Who are your target customers? What is your unique value proposition or unique selling proposition? (Read our prior blog, Establishing Your Agency’s Unique Value Proposition, for guidance.) What can customers expect when working with you and your agency? How do you want your organization to be known? What attributes should come to mind first when customers think of you? These should all be considered as part of your slogan development.
  • Shorter and snappy is better . . . and more memorable. Think about the slogans you may know used by other insurance-related business. “You’re in good hands with Allstate” or “Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there” likely come to mind. Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield sometimes uses “Stay Healthy – Stay Informed.” Health Net says it offers “Coverage for Every Stage of Life.” Its parent company, Centene, touts “Better health outcomes at lower costs.” Beyond health insurance, you may remember “The Power of the Pyramid” used by Transamerica. To prove shorter is better, you might find it interesting that Transamerica’s tag used to be “The Power of the Pyramid is working for you.”
  • Emotionally engaging language can be effective. Words and phrasing that evoke trust, confidence, ambition, or inspiration can ignite a stronger response and connection with your audience.
  • Be consistent in your brand identity. Your tone, mission, and values should be authentic. They should reinforce your credibility.
  • Stick to simple, clear ideas. Your tagline should convey a straightforward message – something easily understood at a glance. If it’s not clear, it’s easily forgettable. Your goal is timeless and memorable. Consider how long State Farm and Allstate have used their promotional lines.

Tagline Vs. Slogan

Branding experts say length is what really drives the distinction between a tag line and a slogan.
A tag line is a quick read. Something that immediately connects with your prospects and customers. It is an expression of your purpose and mission.

In contrast, a slogan may relate to a specific marketing campaign or a product. Slogans are typically less long-lasting than a tag line, as a slogan may be updated over time. Think about the change in the length of the Transamerica slogan mentioned above.

Another Way to Set Yourself Apart

Aligning your agency with others is another way you can set yourself apart from your competitors. Partnering with an insurance general agency can relieve you of many back-office, administrative tasks – allowing you to focus on what’s important: sales and service. Word & Brown has been partnering with brokers for 40 years. We can help make your agency more efficient with tools for quoting a broad range of product and services backed by Service of Unequalled Excellence.

If you are already working with us, contact your W&B rep today about everything we have to offer you – and those you serve. If you are not yet working with us, give us the opportunity to prove our value to you. Whether your focus is Small Group or Large Group (or Individual & Family Plans if you write business in California), we’re here for you. Fill out our online registration form or call us today at 800-869-6989.

How Much Can You Earn as an Insurance Broker?

Find out what you can be earning as an insurance agent in our handy, up-to-date salary guide. Produced by our in-house experts, this resource is bound to help you in advancing your career.

Word & Brown Salary Guide