A good presentation is an effective way to communicate information to prospects and clients, demonstrate your expertise, build a connection, and generate leads for your business. But, how do you know what to share, what will connect you with your audience, what platform you should use, and how to promote your presentation?
It doesn’t matter if you’re planning an in-person presentation, on-demand recording, or a live or recorded webinar, it’s good to ask yourself these questions:
- What topics or insurance questions are you asked most frequently? Are they about a plan type (PPO, HMO, EPO, etc.), out-of-pocket costs, or something else? Focusing your presentation on topics that prospects and clients are asking about is a proven strategy.
- What’s trending right now? Is there something generating a lot of local chatter? For example, has a regional health care facility recently ended its provider contract with a major health plan? Are there renewal talks underway that are at a standstill? People like continuity and losing access to a preferred provider is something that is sure to interest those in your community.
- Do you have an outline or list of your planned topics? Does it include sub-points and examples? Do you plan to share “success stories” of how you have worked with clients in the past to help them find the right solution to their challenges? Your presentation is going to be more successful if your viewers understand what sets you apart from your competitors and how working with you will benefit them. Storytelling can be very persuasive, but it must be concise and engaging.
- What visuals do you plan to include? Charts, statistics, facts, and figures need to be easily understood, visually pleasing, and (The wrong stats or a video shared the wrong way can undermine your credibility.) Test out your equipment and graphics. PowerPoint animation can be good, but overuse can sometimes be a problem.
- Are your voice and images clear? Whether you plan to record your presentation or not, be sure to check your lighting, so you can avoid any weird shadowing. You may find re-recording is necessary in some situations.
- Is having the ability to interact directly with your audience important? That could factor into your platform choice. Or do you just want to put information out there and follow up later in-person, via telephone, or through email? Sometimes soliciting questions from prospects and customers (or those registered for your presentation in advance) can help ensure you address the right topics and questions.
- Is your program engaging enough? Don’t forget, you are not just a narrator for your presentation. It’s important you engage others with your style and expertise and show them why you’re the right partner for them. Be sure you’re using conversational language. If you use too much jargon – or if you don’t explain it properly – you risk losing your audience.
- How do you plan to follow up? Following up with those who register, view on-demand, or take part in your presentation – no matter what the method – is essential. Send a survey to get feedback on the information discussed, your graphics, program tempo, etc. You may get valuable counsel that could you improve your next
- What’s your event promotion plan? You are investing time and resources in putting together your presentation. Now it’s essential that you promote it. There are many methods you can incorporate into your marketing efforts. Use your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform to send messages to your clients, prospects, or both. You can send an announcement and a reminder. Promote your planned presentation on social media, via your blog, and on your website, too. All of these will help you get out the word. (For more about CRM, read our prior blog, 5 Signs You Might Need a CRM System.)
If you’re currently working with us, contact your Word & Brown representative to see how we can help make your 2024 presentations even more successful. We may have resources from our carrier partners that can help you. You might be able to incorporate something from a recent carrier presentation regarding new products or services.
If you are not yet a partner with us, call (800) 869-6989 to find out how you can get started. Or register using our online form.