At Word & Brown, we want to help you deliver accurate answers to your clients in response to their questions about COVID-19. We know your customers and their employees...
For several years, Word & Brown has hosted a webinar series known as “Don’t Fear the Forms,” which is designed to help brokers aid their employer clients in preparing...
If you want to expand and enhance your marketing in 2020, Word & Brown’s partnership with Broker Pop can help you build your business and increase your sales. The...
Small business owners and managers may be asking you whether they are required offer Health Insurance to their employees – especially in light of the new 2020 employer mandate...
During fourth quarter, it’s easy to get swept up in the rush of peak season and fail to consider all of the technology advantages that you have available to...
Word & Brown has a decades-long commitment to developing technology to help brokers and your clients. We set the standard for quoting – back in 1985 – when we...