What is an insurance broker? How is one defined under California regulations? It’s fairly straightforward under the amendments effective as of January 1, 2019. California Insurance Code says, “An insurance...
For more than 35 years, Word & Brown has been helping you write more business and address more of your clients’ diverse needs. We’ve earned a reputation as a “true...
At Word & Brown, we want to work with you to help you maximize your sales opportunities – and address more of your Nevada clients’ diverse needs – during fourth...
At Word & Brown, we want to work with you to help you maximize your California sales opportunities – and address more of your clients’ diverse needs – during fourth...
California Spotlight on 8/24 and 8/25, Nevada Spotlight on 8/26 SIGN UP NOW! Word & Brown’s annual online event to help brokers prepare for Q4, Carrier Con, is now...
Word & Brown’s annual online Continuing Education (CE) event, Week of Webinars, returns June 14, 2021, and offers a full week of CE with 10 new courses and a...