Expert Ave.

9 tips for creating engaging client webinars

9 Tips for Creating Engaging Client Presentations

A good presentation is an effective way to communicate information to prospects and clients, demonstrate your expertise, build a connection, and generate leads for your business. But, how do you...

Educating Employers on the Tax Advantages of Offering Group Health...

In your work with employers, it’s important to discuss the substantial tax advantages available to businesses when they offer health insurance benefits to employees. Not only can these benefits help...

CRM for Insurance sales

CRM for Health Insurance Agents: Maximizing Efficiency and Client Satisfaction

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems are essential tools for businesses across various industries, including health insurance. At their core, CRMs are technologies designed to manage all of your company’s relationships...

Answering 7 Frequently Asked Health Insurance Questions

  As a Health Insurance broker, you are bound to get many questions from your individual clients as well as employers and their employees who may turn to you for...

Opening a True Dialogue with Your Clients

  When shopping for health insurance for their employees, a lot of business owners tend to lean toward the cheapest option, thinking it is also their best option. Of course,...

SMART goals

Measuring Sales Success: The Importance of Specificity When It Comes...

As a follow up to the article shared last month, I wanted to spotlight specificity as it relates to goal setting – whether for this year or another. Being specific...
