EaseCentral Adds New Feature

As part of EaseCentral’s commitment to make theirs the most broker-friendly online enrollment solution available, they have added a new feature:  a Rate Library.

The Rate Library is populated by updated rates every month to ensure you are able to retrieve the most accurate rates anywhere – the same that are used within our guaranteed-accurate quote.

The Rate Library is available to all brokers with a retail account at no added charge. To request access, follow these steps:

  1. Enter your EaseCentral retail account
  2. Locate your Agency Profile
  3. Under Organization Type on the right, select General Agency
    Rate Library 1
  4. Select “Request Access”
    Rate Library 2
  5. Select “Word & Brown”
    Rate Library 3

Requests are reviewed and granted by one of our team of EaseCentral Specialists. After approval is granted, you will be able to apply Word & Brown’s rates by selecting “Set Rates from Library” on any plan you are adding to the system.
Rate Library 4

From the popup, select the desired effective date and in the Library dropdown, select the Word & Brown library.
Rate Library 5

Proceed with the remaining plans to make your plan type, state, carrier, rate area*, category and plan selections.

*Note: if you do not know the rating area for your group, it can be found within the Word & Brown quote on the Detailed Rates Page in our PDF output or by review of the latest Small Group Health Plan Reference Guides:

How Much Can You Earn as an Insurance Broker?

Find out what you can be earning as an insurance agent in our handy, up-to-date salary guide. Produced by our in-house experts, this resource is bound to help you in advancing your career.

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