Author: Staff Writer

Content from the Word & Brown Marketing & Communications team.

How to Become a Life and Health Insurance Agent

  If you’re considering a new career, or you’re a recent college graduate looking to start your professional life, one field you might consider is Life Insurance and Health Insurance...

Changing Careers? Consider Health Insurance Sales

  If you’re working in a dead-end job – or working somewhere and feeling undervalued and unappreciated – it may be time to consider a change. Health insurance sales may...

Selling 101: Finding Your Insurance Niche

  If you’re just getting into the insurance sales arena, you may not be sure if you want to be a generalist (and serve all types of consumers with a...

Using a Broker to Buy Group or Individual Health Insurance

Why It’s Better to Use a Broker to Purchase Health...

If your clients ask you why they should engage an insurance broker when they are shopping for health insurance, do you have an answer? It’s a frequently searched question on...

10 Tips to Writing a Sales Plan

Whether you’re engaged in health insurance sales or another business, it is very helpful – to you and your agency or employer – if you develop an annual (or more...

What Does A Health Insurance Broker Do?

  If you are unhappy in your current job, a recent college graduate, or are nearing graduation and unsure what is next for you, you may be looking into a...
