Author: Staff Writer

Content from the Word & Brown Marketing & Communications team.

How to Become a Life and Health Insurance Agent

  If you’re considering a new career, or you’re a recent college graduate looking to start your professional life, one field you might consider is Life Insurance and Health Insurance...

Health Insurance Plan Types: An Overview for New Brokers

As a new insurance broker, you need to be able to discuss the differences in available health insurance plans, so you can better address the needs of your diverse clients....

Changing Careers? Consider Health Insurance Sales

  If you’re working in a dead-end job – or working somewhere and feeling undervalued and unappreciated – it may be time to consider a change. Health insurance sales may...

Selling 101: Finding Your Insurance Niche

  If you’re just getting into the insurance sales arena, you may not be sure if you want to be a generalist (and serve all types of consumers with a...

Using a Broker to Buy Group or Individual Health Insurance

Why It’s Better to Use a Broker to Purchase Health...

If your clients ask you why they should engage an insurance broker when they are shopping for health insurance, do you have an answer? It’s a frequently searched question on...

10 Tips to Writing a Sales Plan

Whether you’re engaged in health insurance sales or another business, it is very helpful – to you and your agency or employer – if you develop an annual (or more...
