Why Word & Brown

How Brokers Can Close More Insurance Sales

  Most brokers know that one sales technique won’t work with every client or situation. You can be more successful when you have multiple options to draw from in talking...

Health Insurance News Link Roundup (4/22/20)

  Whether you’re in California or Nevada here are some updates within the healthcare and insurance industry that are sure to keep brokers in the loop. Brokers see new challenge...

Friday (2.14.20) Health Insurance News Link Roundup

  Keeping you up to date with the latest health insurance news and trends in California, Nevada and around the country. Here is a roundup of this week’s top health...

Ensure You’re Using the Right Form – Visit Our Online...

  Forms and other documents play an important role in the health insurance industry – and the lives of insurance brokers and those you serve. Making sure you are always...

Expedite Your Group Enrollments with Help from an Enrollment Rep

  With 4th Quarter underway, you may be feeling some pressure balancing your everyday service responsibilities with your group renewals and new business enrollments. You can count on your Word...

Large Group Is a Big Opportunity for Brokers – Made...

  Large Group sales (groups of 101+ in California and 50+ in Nevada) can seem daunting. They represent additional work due to more people and increased paperwork to process, longer...
