CE Credits: What They Are, and Why You Need Them


Continuing Education (CE) Credit Tips for Brokers:

  • State CE requirements differ; California generally requires 24 CE Credit hours every two years, while Nevada requires 30 hours every three years. Look for free CE Courses – and for online and live CE opportunities. Not all courses are recognized by all states; check the fine print.
  • Your GA and/or health underwriter associations may offer qualifying courses.
  • A one-hour course offers one CE Credit.
  • Hours earned have to be relevant to your business and your selected license type.
  • Do not wait until the last minute to earn your required CE Credits.
  • You cannot repeat a course within two (or three) years; you can earn CE Credit only once for each course during your license renewal period.

In the evolving landscape of health insurance, staying informed and knowledgeable is not just an advantage—it’s a necessity. This is where Continuing Education (CE) credits come into play. For health insurance agents and brokers, acquiring CE credits is not just about fulfilling a regulatory requirement; it’s about enhancing your expertise, staying competitive in the market, and providing the best possible service to your clients.

What are CE Credits?

CE credits, or Continuing Education credits, are units used to quantify approved learning activities. Typically measured in hours, these credits are required by many professional regulatory boards to ensure that professionals engaged in fields like health insurance stay current with industry changes, new laws, and innovative products.

How Many CE Credits Do I Need?

The number of CE credits required can vary considerably depending on your state’s regulations and your specific license type. Most states require health insurance agents and brokers to complete a certain number of CE credits within a defined renewal period, which is generally every one to two years.

As a licensed health insurance broker in California, you are required to earn a total of 24 hours of Continuing Education (CE) Credits every two years to maintain your insurance producer license. In Nevada, the requirement is a minimum of 30 hours of CE Credits, including three hours of ethics, every three years. Course hours correspond to the available CE Credits, so a two-hour course generally offers two credits.

It’s crucial to consult your state’s regulatory authority to understand your specific CE requirements.

Why Do I Need CE Credits?

Staying compliant with state regulations is a critical reason for completing CE credits, but the benefits extend far beyond compliance. By engaging in continuing education, you’re investing in your professional development, keeping abreast of the latest industry developments, and enhancing your ability to serve your clients effectively. In a field as dynamic as health insurance, this continual learning process can set you apart from the competition.

CE Course Selection for Credits

When selecting CE Courses – whether online or in-person, free or for a fee – keep in mind that state authorities will only credit you with training hours for approved courses related to your license. If you have a renewing life and health insurance license, you are unlikely to get credit for a property and casualty-related course.

It is advisable to earn your credits at least 60 days prior to your license expiration, so there is sufficient time for your education provider to submit the necessary information to the state to update your records. If you earn hours near the end of your license term, your renewal could be delayed while your CE hours are processed.

If you have taken a class and want to check to see if you have been credited for your course hours, you can visit the California Department of Insurance (DOI) website to check:


In Nevada, similar information can be found at https://www.sircon.com/ComplianceExpress/NonSscrbEducation/index.jsp?1=0&lid=lp_nevada2&sc=xyopwtla&sscrbid=9020&path=nevada.

Please keep in mind, you cannot receive partial credit for coursework you did not fully complete. If you leave a class before its end (or you exit and online course in progress), no CE Credit applies.

CE Credit Requirements by State

For answers to frequently asked California broker questions about CE Credits, visit the DOI website. Nevada resident CE requirement information can be found on the Nevada Division of Insurance website.

For additional guidance, check out our Continuing Education Tips in the accompanying box above or use these helpful links:




Continuing Education (CE) Credit Tips for Brokers:

  • Plan Ahead: Don’t wait until the last minute to start accruing your CE credits. Spread them out over the renewal period to manage your workload better and incorporate learning into your regular routine.
  • Choose Wisely: Select courses that not only fulfill your CE requirements but also contribute to your professional growth and ability to serve your clients.
  • Keep Records: Maintain detailed records of the CE courses you’ve completed, including certificates of completion and the number of credits earned, to avoid any discrepancies with your state licensing board.
  • Explore Online Options: Many credible organizations offer online CE courses, providing a flexible option for busy professionals.
  • Engage with Peers: Attending conferences and seminars provides a dual benefit of earning CE credits while also offering networking opportunities with peers and thought leaders in the insurance industry.

CE credits are super important for staying on top of your game as a health insurance agent or broker. Instead of looking at continuing education as just another box to tick, see it as a chance to really level up your professional skills and the service you offer your clients. Keep up to date, pick your courses smartly, and don’t forget, in the ever-changing health insurance world, you’re never done learning.



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