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5 Ways Health Insurance brokers can diversify their portfolio

New Year, New You: New Year New You!: 5 Ways...

It’s 2024! The year of the dragon in the Chinese horoscope. Did you make any resolutions for the new year? What’s on your agenda for the next 12 months? If...

Selling Insurance Products

The Importance of Product Knowledge for Insurance Agents

The health insurance marketplace is constantly changing. It doesn’t matter whether your focus is on Individual and Family Plan (IFP) sales, small businesses, or employee benefits for large, national enterprises....

ACA Penalty Calculator and California Mandate Penalty Tool

  Word & Brown is committed to providing tools to help brokers like you better serve the needs of your business clients – both large and small. That includes making...

Word & Brown Advantage

Why Word & Brown? One W&B Advantage is Service

For nearly 40 years, health insurance sales professionals have been partnering with Word & Brown to relieve some of the administrative burdens of their jobs. They’ve also been doing it...

Broker Commissions Insurance Sales

Ways You Can Earn More Insurance Commissions in 2024

Even if you’re satisfied with your performance in 2023, the arrival of a new year presents an excellent opportunity to implement changes that could increase your commissions over the next...

Insurance Agency Branding Refresh

Things to Consider When Updating Your Brand

You’ve probably heard of branding. And you may have an idea what it is. Is it a logo? Colors? Fonts? Service? A combination of these? Yes, but it is also...
