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KPIs for Health Insurance Sales

Measuring Your Success: Identifying Important Insurance KPIs

No matter how long you have been selling insurance, you know there are certain measurements to help you judge your success. These are often called Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). KPIs...

Insurance Client Retention

3 Ways to Increase Insurance Client Retention

Depending on what source you choose to believe, the cost of acquiring a new customer is five times, six to seven times, or up to 10 times more expensive than...

Health Insurance Stocks

Health Care and Insurance Stocks to Watch in 2023-2024

There are many theories about what is (and what is not) a good indicator of a stock’s future performance (up or down). As most financial columns note, past performance is...

Insurance Sales Jokes

Everybody Loves a Good Health Insurance Joke, Right?

The health insurance business is usually no laughing matter. We often deal with clients’ health challenges, claims, provider access issues, and so much more. However, it’s important to recognize the...

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Understanding Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Regardless of how much care is taken by employers and employees, accidents can happen at work or when doing work-related activities away from the jobsite. Workers’ Compensation insurance provides benefits...

gen z health insurance

Generation Z Employees Looking for a Mix of Employee Benefits

Today’s workforce is remarkably diverse. It encompasses a range of employees – ethnically, generationally, and otherwise. Depending on location, industry, and company history, an employer may have workers from the...
