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Annual Maximum

Helping Clients Understand Their Annual Plan Maximums

Employees and employers commonly inquire about their health insurance plans’ annual maximums, and their personal “out-of-pocket” cost maximums for selected coverage. An annual plan maximum, sometimes known as a plan’s...

Outreach sales ideas

5 Outreach Ideas to Make Your Agency a Local Celebrity...

Whether you’re a long-time insurance sales professional or you’ve been in the business only a short time, if you’re like other insurance brokers, you are always looking for new methods...


Helping Your Clients Understand the Differences and Advantages of Medical...

Health care is complicated. For employers, employees, and dependents. Making the right plan choice is sometimes challenging, especially when an employer replaces an existing plan with coverage from a different...

Vision Insurance for Small and Large Group

Helping Brokers Sell: Vision Insurance for Small and Large Groups

  The Vision Council says about three-quarters of adults need some sort of vision correction. That includes about 64% of adults who wear glasses, and 11% who wear contact lenses...

Health Insurance License Exam

Health Insurance License Prep, Exam Tips, and Sample Questions

If you’re interested in starting a new career as a health insurance broker, you’ll need to pass a licensing exam to earn your insurance license in either California or Nevada....

The Right GA Business Partner Can Make a Big Difference

The health insurance industry and health care have changed a lot since the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was signed into law. Both are also very different from when John Word...
