We want to help you and your assistant(s) stay up to date on all that’s happening – at Word & Brown and with our carrier partners. To ensure you both...
As a licensed health insurance broker in virtually any state – including California and Nevada – you are required to earn Continuing Education (CE) Credits to maintain your insurance license....
Word & Brown’s annual online Continuing Education (CE) event, Week of Webinars, returns June 14, 2021, and offers a full week of CE with 10 new courses and a...
While we await information on the full results of the 2020 census, we already know – based on information from the U.S. Census Bureau from 2019 – that more than...
The insurance space continues to change, most recently with the passage of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act. ARP gives employees the opportunity to take advantage of a special COBRA...
The arrival of COVID-19 in the United States last year forced many employers to quickly shut down and move to a work-from-home environment. Now, as the availability of vaccines increases...