Author: Alex Strautman

Open Enrollment

Leverage the Special Open Enrollment Window to Help Your Clients...

If you know prospects or clients who have been unable to get health coverage for their employees – because of an inability to meet carrier participation or employer contribution requirements...

CE Training vs General Online CE Training

Breaking Down the Difference Between Specialized Continuing Education Training and...

A requirement for health insurance agents in most states is to complete a specified number of Continuing Education (CE) Credits during each licensing term. In California, licensees are required to...

Broker Commissions Insurance Sales

Understanding Agent and Broker Commissions on Insurance Sales

As an insurance agent or broker, you earn a commission on each product you sell – whether your focus is on Individual & Family Plan (IFP) sales, Small Group Medical...

IFP Open Enrollment

Gearing Up for IFP Open Enrollment Starting November 1

If you have Individual & Family Plan (IFP) clients – or employees at any of your groups looking for an alternative to COBRA continuation – it’s important you know about...

Broker Bonus

A Guide to Broker Bonuses: How to Earn More in...

Peak season is a great time to earn a production bonus on your group insurance sales. This year, several of our carrier partners are offering Medical and Ancillary bonuses on...

Q4 Carrier Updates Nevada

Getting Ready for Q4: The Latest Nevada Carrier Updates

At Word & Brown, we want to work with you to help you maximize your sales opportunities – and address more of your Nevada clients’ diverse needs – during fourth...
