Author: Alex Strautman

Our Regional Sales Managers Support Broker Sales Growth

Regional  Sales Managers Are Here To Support You Our blog posts offer a lot of information to both new and experienced brokers to help you build your business, gain a...

Why You Should Use Online Enrollment for Your Groups

Technology has changed the landscape for many businesses. Health insurance is among them. There’s been a giant shift in the way brokers do business today, especially as compared to 15...

Why Health Insurance Brokers Do What They Do

  Individuals who pursue a career in Health Insurance sales have many different reasons for doing so. You may be motivated by the freedom to choose your own hours and...

Attracting Business Online: 5 Marketing Tips for New Insurance Brokers

  5 Digital Marketing Tips for Insurance Agents   If you’re interested in using your online presence to help attract new customers and write new business, there are several things...

How Insurance Brokers Stay Up to Date on Products and...

  As a Health or Life Insurance broker (sometimes called an agent), earning your license is just the first step in your career. In California and Nevada (as well as...

Steps to Getting Your First Sale

  When you are first starting your career in health insurance sales, you may not be certain about where to begin. The traditional “closing pyramid” puts a lot of emphasis...
