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8 Steps to Becoming a Health Insurance Broker

An Infographic Guide to Becoming a Health Insurance Broker If you’re looking for an exciting, growing, and lucrative new career in sales, becoming a health insurance broker may be something...

Tech Roundtable

Staying competitive means staying on top of the latest broker technology. But, with so many solutions out there, making sense of your options can make your head spin. We have...

Employer NMHPA Notification Requirement – Breaking It Down With Word...

Learn about the Newborns’ and Mothers’ Health Protection Act health insurance compliance notification requirement, which is applicable to all employers sponsoring a group health plan.  

Employer WHCRA Notification Requirement – Breaking It Down With Word...

Learn about the Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act notice, which all employers sponsoring a group health insurance plan must distribute to enrolled employees.  

Notice of ACA Exchange Availability – Breaking It Down With...

Listen to the employer compliance and notification responsibilities related to the ACA Employee Notice of Exchange Availability.  

ACA 60 Day Notice of Material Modification – Breaking It...

You might have heard of an ACA 60 Day Rule – and there are several under the Affordable Care Act. Listen to this episode to learn more about the 60...
