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New California Health Plan Reference Guides Available

Updated editions of our exclusive California Health Plan Reference Guides (HPRGs) for Small Groups and Large Groups are now online and available for download to your desktop, laptop, tablet, or...

Steps to Getting Your First Sale

  When you are first starting your career in health insurance sales, you may not be certain about where to begin. The traditional “closing pyramid” puts a lot of emphasis...

Sales Term Glossary: A-G

  If you’re new to the sales world, or you’ll thinking about getting into health insurance sales, it can be a rewarding career. Working as a health insurance broker, you...

We’re Growing – and Relocating in Las Vegas

Word & Brown is growing – and we need more space to serve you better. We are excited to announce our Las Vegas staff is making a move to a new, more...

Get Your Licensing Costs Back With Word & Brown’s New...

  The past decade has been challenging for new college graduates and those looking to change careers. You may know from your own experience that finding a good job without...

Kaiser Permanente Webinar

Kaiser Permanente is our new carrier partner for small businesses with 1-100 employees. So why is Kaiser Permanente a great choice for your small business clients? They’re the nation’s largest...
