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[Infographic] 7 Tips to Boost Your Insurance Sales

Why You Should Use Online Enrollment for Your Groups

Technology has changed the landscape for many businesses. Health insurance is among them. There’s been a giant shift in the way brokers do business today, especially as compared to 15...

Introducing New Podcast Series: “Breaking It Down With Word &...

A new podcast series for Word & Brown brokers is now available! Compliance Manager Paul Roberts is “Breaking It Down With Word & Brown” and covering a range of topics,...

ERISA Summary Plan Descriptions – Breaking It Down With Word...

ERISA Summary Plan Descriptions (SPDs) – Learn the intent and the requirements of the ERISA Summary Plan Description: An abridged version of the ERISA plan document, written in a language...

ERISA Plan Documents – Breaking It Down With Word &...

ERISA Plan Documents – Learn about the basics of the ERISA plan document: One of the most essential employer notification requirements, applicable to nearly every employer of any size sponsoring...

Why Health Insurance Brokers Do What They Do

  Individuals who pursue a career in Health Insurance sales have many different reasons for doing so. You may be motivated by the freedom to choose your own hours and...
