Listen to the employer compliance and notification responsibilities related to the ACA Employee Notice of Exchange Availability.
You might have heard of an ACA 60 Day Rule – and there are several under the Affordable Care Act. Listen to this episode to learn more about the 60...
If you’re like many brokers, your time is divided. Some mornings you’re in your office, and on other days, you’re out meeting with prospects and clients in their offices, over...
Uncover employer ACA compliance responsibilities as related to the ACA’s Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBCs) and the corresponding ACA Uniform Glossary of health insurance terms. Learn the intent of...
Hear all about ERISA guidelines and requirements for notifying plan beneficiaries of changes contained in their ERISA Summary Plan Description documents (SPDs) and ERISA Wraps – on ERISA Summary of...
Learn about the most-common method employers use to create, maintain, and distribute all ERISA plan information to employees: an ERISA wrap.