Author: Alex Strautman

online benefits enrollment tool

The Advantages of Online Benefits Enrollment Tools

Word & Brown has a long history of developing and offering technology to help brokers and those you serve. After all, we introduced the first Small Group, multi-carrier quoting system...

Association Health Plans

What Are Association Health Plans – and How You Can...

Association Health Plans (AHPs) have been around in various forms for decades. They began as part of an effort by business and professional associations to help them attract and retain...

5 Things Brokers Can Be Thankful for in 2022 –...

With Thanksgiving days away, it’s the perfect time to reflect on 2022 and consider the things for which brokers might be thankful. An improving economy: While unemployment is still higher...

How To Get Appointed With Health Insurance Carriers

How To Get Appointed With Health Insurers

If you’re just beginning your career as a sales professional, getting appointed with your preferred insurance carriers is an important next step. Here are some useful tips. If you’re not...

Insurance Compliance Services

How Word & Brown Insurance Compliance Services Helps Brokers

Brokers and agencies working with Word & Brown enjoy some distinct advantages over brokers that don’t have a general agent. Word & Brown offers its agents and agency partners 37...

How group health care plans reduce insurance costs

Educating Clients on How Group Health and Other Benefits Can...

Your employer clients may not realize all the ways they’re helping their employees by offering employee benefits, including wellness programs and health insurance. It’s obvious that health insurance offers important...
