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Insurance Sales Events

Tips for Remastering In-Person Insurance Sales Events for Clients and...

If you think your clients and prospects might be coping with Zoom fatigue, you’re probably right. Nearly all of us are, have, or will. It’s not just Zoom. Popular online...


Helping Your Clients Understand COBRA

COBRA, the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, became law in 1986. It allows employees and dependents covered by group health insurance plans to maintain and continue their coverage for limited...

Client Loyalty Program

5 Tips for Creating a Client Loyalty Program

According to the Harvard Business Review, acquiring a new customer is five to 25 times more costly than keeping an existing client. (It varies by what study you’re looking at...

Q4 Health Insurance

“Q4tress of Solitude” Offers You Resources to Maximize Your Sales...

Word & Brown is committed to providing you with the tools, resources, and back-office support you need to serve your clients and drive increased sales. We’re here for you –...


How the ACA, Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance, and Group Underwriting Help...

According to a published 2021 report, 59% of businesses offer health insurance benefits to at least some of their workers. The larger the employer group, the more likely it offers...

Dental, Vision, and Life Insurance Sales

Adding Dental, Vision, Life, and Other Products to Your Sales...

As we’ve discussed before, the COVID-19 pandemic has prompted significant shifts in the views of employers and employees as it relates to employee benefits. More than ever before, employees are...
