Broker Basics


Offering Vision as an Added Benefit

At Word & Brown, we have been working with brokers to help you increase your income – and your service to customers – for more than 35 years. We offer...


Worksite Benefits: Increase Client Offerings – and Earn More

The 2020-2021 coronavirus pandemic has prompted many employers – and employees – to take a renewed look at their benefits. “Worksite benefits” and “worksite insurance” are trending up in online...


6 Ways to Stay in the “Insurance” Know

The insurance space continues to change, most recently with the passage of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act. ARP gives employees the opportunity to take advantage of a special COBRA...

Five Tips to Decluttering Your Home Office and Work Space

The arrival of COVID-19 in the United States last year forced many employers to quickly shut down and move to a work-from-home environment. Now, as the availability of vaccines increases...

Tips for Networking During the Coronavirus Pandemic

  Let’s face it, like so many things disrupted by the coronavirus, professional networking today is dramatically different than it was just 14 months ago. Now, when you meet in...

starting insurance business

Tips For Starting Your Own Insurance Agency

Starting Your Own Insurance Agency When you are beginning in the world of health insurance sales, you may feel a little lost on where exactly you fit. Figuring out what...
